
TREC has moved

Trec has relocated to two new locations and is now available 24 hours, by appointment, to serve you better.

In Manhattan we are now, again, on the west side,
435 West 18th Street (btwn 9/10)
Phone; 212 727 1941

In Brooklyn we are just over the bridge in Williamsburg,
131 North 14th Street (bwtn Kent/Wythe)
Phone; 718 349 2740


Artist Showcase / Pieter Estersohn

Pieter Estersohn is a regular client at TREC. 
He is a regular contributor for Elle Decor and many other magazines. 
For more images and info, please go to: www.pieterestersohn.com

*Please click each image to see larger photo


Promotion / Profoto Air Pro 8 Pack

Experience the new Profoto Pro 8 Pack for the same price as Pro 7 Pack !
Pro 8 Pack is faster and leaner than the Pro 7 Pack. 

** We can upgrade your Pro 7 pack to Pro 8 for no additional charge. **
** Note: Subject to availability **

News / Discount on Canon EOS 1DS MK III

Now, you can experience Canon's top of the line, EOS 1DS Mark 3 for a discount price !

For a limited time only, the
Canon EOS 1DS MK III is $245 per day

Please contact our digital department for detail.

News / Revivable of Profoto 1.2 HMI

We rebuilt 20 Profoto 1.2K HMI lights (Pro Daylight) !  The Profoto HMI heads can be used with almost all Profoto accessories (with the exception of the pro globe and Pro Zoom Spot) making them the ideal choice for any and all Profoto shooters. 
We also modified a new style Profoto Zoom Spot by removing the internal head and leaving a Profoto mounting ring making it a dream companion for these legendary continuous lights.



We just got Leeside Windscrim ! Rent cost: $35/day
Please see "Product Review" on this blog for detail.

TREC Digital continues to update and upgrade both hardware and software. Leading the way is the highly requested Canon 5D mkII, its' predecessor the 5D was already popular for it's high image quality in low light situations and small body size. The new model features higher ISO range (ISO 100 - 6400 standard), a bump to 21.1 megapixels, live view, 3" LCD screen, HDMI output and the ability to shoot 1080P video. High quality stills and video from the same body plus the ability to use all the Canon lenses from fisheye to super telephotos.

There are many software updates as well since the programs and workflow is as important as the gear itself. Capture One Pro has been upgraded to version 4 (C4) and features the ability to capture tethered with the Canon 1Ds MkIII. C4 training is coming soon, contact TREC Digital for info. Capture One Pro version 3.79 will continue to be available to those who prefer that iteration. Next up is Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, upgraded to PS CS4 and LR2 respectively. They offer the latest version of Adobe Camera Raw and the ability to work with current RAW formats. The popular CD/DVD authoring software Toast 10 Titanium Pro is another recent addition.

The new software are available today on all towers and laptops.

Please send your info (Name, email address, phone number) to orders@trecrental.com for detail. ***subject line: photo contest****

TREC is now open Saturdays for your convenience. Hours are 9:00AM to 4:00PM

TREC has New Profoto Pro 8A Air available.
We have 24 Pro 8A Air Packs for your needs.

Product Review / Leeside Windscrim

The Leeside Windscrim is designed as a portable and easy-to-assemble control for wind and light.
Measuring 6.5' x 8.2'. Weight 4.6 lbs. The scrim will reduce wind to a workable level and will diffuse light by a neutral one stop. The scrim is constructed on an aluminum pop-up frame with a shock cord running through enabling each pole to fold into three sections. The vented fabric has been coated with PVC layer, making the scrim durable, weatherproof and light.